Wawaweather.net is provided courtesy of Matthew Romer, Anderson Fisheries and WAWA Digest
as a one stop weather watching site for Wawa and surrounding area.

About This Station

Weather Station: Michipicoten Mission (Wawa)

Located at Latitude: 47.9375N | N 47° 56' 15.153"
                Longitude: -84.8242W | W 84° 49' 27.275"
Davis Vantage Pro 2 with solar & UV sensors (wireless version)
Serial data logger
RS-232 Optical Isolator (9POP4), 12V power supplied from computer

Weather Station: Michipicoten Harbour

Located at Latitude: 47.9569N | N 47° 57' 24.783"
                Longitude: -84.9082W | W 84° 54' 29.506"
Davis Vantage Pro 2 with solar & UV sensors (wireless version)
Serial data logger
RS-232 Optical Isolator (9POP4), 12V power supplied from computer

Webcam: Michipicoten Mission (Wawa)

X-View KPC-650 Color Nite Cam DSP
3.5-8mm CS Auto Iris Lens f 1.4
VT-1 Single Cable Video Transmitter

Lightning Detection: Michipicoten Mission (Wawa)

Boltek StormTracker Lightning Detector
NexStorm Software

Computer: Michipicoten Mission (Wawa)

Dell Poweredge T620 server, dual Xeon 2.00 GHz, 96GB RAM Raid 5 HD configuration
Windows 2012R2 Datacenter OS
All weather processing is done using 4 Hyper-V virtual Windows XP computers
AE-H604DV video server for webcam capture

Computer: Michipicoten Harbour

Dell Poweredge SC1430 server, dual Xeon 2.00 GHz, 8GB RAM Raid 5 HD configuration
Windows XP OS
All weather processing is done using a Vmware virtual Windows XP computer
AE-H604DV video server for webcam capture

Weather data is provided by a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather stations with supplementary information obtained from Environment Canada, The Weather Network, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, The Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the local airport.

The data is collected every 2.5 seconds and the site is updated approximately every 15 seconds using Weather Display Software. The station comprises of an anemometer, solar gauge, uv gauge, rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.

About Wawa

Wawa, Ontario is a community in Northern Ontario, Canada, located in Michipicoten Township in the Algoma District. The community is known for its 28-foot-tall metal statue of a Canada goose, built in 1963. Wawa takes its name from the Ojibwe word for "wild goose", wewe.

Wawa's main source of employment and survival over the years has ranged from fur trade, mining and forestry to tourism.

About This Website

This site is a template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.

Special thanks go to:

Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and for the common website PHP management design.
Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Matthew Romer of Wawaweather.net for the Environment Canada icon version of WXSIM forecasts, AQI addon for ajax-dashboard and the Ontario Fire Ratings in Google Map format. Dual live weather station capability.

This template is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Validate the XHTML and CSS of this page.

Random Weather Facts

Canadian Facts and Trivia - THE PEOPLE AND THE HISTORY
When the ice is just no good for hockey (i.e.: It’s summer), lacrosse steps in as Canada’s official summer sport, a designation it received in 1994.

Developed by First Nations long before Europeans arrived, lacrosse was actually the first sport in the new Dominion of Canada to have a national governing body, in 1867.