GOES16 Satellite Loops

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The date is currently Dec 6, 2024. The time is 1443 Zulu, 14:43:53 UTC.
The above images are produced by NOAA GOES Satellite Distribution Center -- Animation by HAniS ©2014-2024 by Tom Whittaker
Script by SELincoln Weather

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Canadian Facts and Trivia - THE PEOPLE AND THE HISTORY
The image of the First World War as a futile conflict marked by hellish conditions of trench warfare amid cold liquid mud and unending rain was cemented at Passchendaele in Flanders.

Canadian forces arrived in Flanders in late 1917 to relieve other Allied troops who had been attempting to dislodge the Germans from the area for months with little success. Though the Canadians did prevail, the cost, 15,654 killed or wounded, was much higher than at Vimy earlier that year.