Weather and Other Unit Conversions


Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F) Kelvin (K) Rankine (°R)

Dew Point

Temperature (°F) Relative Humidity (%) Dew Point (°F)
Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (%) Dew Point (°C)

Feels Like

Temperature (°F) Wind (mph) Wind Chill
Temperature (°F) Relative Humidity (%) Humidex
Temperature (°F) Dewpoint (°F) Humidex
Temperature (°C) Wind (km/h) Wind Chill
Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (%) Humidex
Temperature (°C) Dewpoint (°C) Humidex


Km/hour (km/h) Miles/hour (mph) Knots (kt) Metres/sec. (m/s)


Kilometres (km) Metres (m) Centimetres (cm) Millimetres (mm)
Microns (µm) Angstroms (Å) Miles (mi) Yards (yd)
Feet (ft) Inches (in) Nautical miles Astronomical Units (AU)
Light years (ly) Parsec Pica (pi) Point (pt)


kiloPascals (kPa) Millibars (mb) Inches of Mercury (inHg) Centimetres of Mercury (cmHg)
Metres of water (mH2O) Inches of water (inH2O) Atmospheres (atm) Kilogram/centimetre² (kg/cm²)


Milligrams (mg) Points Grains Carats
Grams (g) Scruples Pennyweight Drams
Apothecaries' Drachms Ounces (oz) Troy Ounces Newtons (N)
Troy Pounds Pounds (lb) Kilograms (kg) Stone (lb)
Quarters (qtr) Hundredweight (cwt) US Tons Metric tonnes (t)


Minims Cubic millimetres (mm³) Millilitres (ml) Cubic centimetres (cm³)
Fluid drachms Cubic inches (in³) Imperial Fluid ounces US Fluid ounces
(fl oz)
Gill Cups (c) US Pints (pt) Imperial Pints
Litres (l) US Quarts (qt) US Gallons (gal) Imperial Gallons
Peck Pin Cubic feet (ft³) Bushel
Firkin Kilderkin Barrel (beer) Hogshead
Puncheon Butt Cubic Yard (yd³) Tun
Hectolitres (hl) Cubic metres (m³) Cord


Square millimetres(mm²) Square centimetres(cm²) Square Square Inches (in²) Square Feet (ft²)
Square Yards (yd²) Square metres(m²) Square Rods (rd²) Square Chains (ch²)
Ares (a) Roods (ro) Acres (ac) Hectares (ha)
Square Furlongs (fur²) Square Kilometres(km²) Square Miles (mi²)  

Blodgettville Units

Poppy Seed Barleycorn Inch (in) Nail
Palm Hand Finger Link
Span Foot (ft) Cubit Yard (yd)
Cloth-Yard Ell Fathom (fth) Rod (rd)
Chain (ch) Shackle Bolt Cable
Furlong Statute Mile (sm) Nautical Mile (nm) League

More on Units and Their History Available Here.      

Random Weather Facts

Canadian Facts and Trivia - THE WILDLIFE
Where there are flowering plants, there are pollinators, even in the desolate Arctic.

The Arctic bumblebee, bombus polaris, naturally has had to adapt to the hard winters, and has a thicker coat and lives in insulated nests.